Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Birthday present

Last night we went to Joann Fabric and picked out my birthday present. Both my mother and mother-in-law gave me some cash and it was burning a hole in my pocket. I really wanted to go fabric shopping but decided there was no point when I am still missing some vital quilting tools.

Instead, I picked up this beautiful rotary cutting mat.

Of course, my cat decided he needed to "help" with the cutting process.

I don't have a table large enough to cut on so I have to use the floor. Good enough for me!

This afternoon I cut out the remaining squares I need for my denim quilt. I want to add a second additional row to make it even longer, but the flannel backing I have isn't long enough to allow for that. Now I just have to figure out how to iron without an ironing board...


Melissa said...

How fun! Congrats on the cutting mat that will make quilting so much easier :)

Julia said...

Happy Birthday! Hope the year to come is one of your best yet!
A towel is your friend when you don't have an ironing board. Just lay them a couple layers thick on a hard surface and iron away!

Cassandra said...

Julia - Thank you! I will try ironing on a towel today. I really want to finish this quilt!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing how your denim quilt turns-out. I couldn't help but LOL about an ironing board. You could put LOTS of towels on the floor and use it as a huge temporary ironing board. :)

Elisabeth DeMoo said...

Oh, I love my cutting mat. It makes cutting much easier. I hope you had a good birthday.

Elisabeth DeMoo said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah! I just tossed my full size ironing finally refused to stand up any more lol Instead of getting a full sized one, I got a little 'table top' verson at Family Dollar(or one like that) for $ far I love it! I'm currently cutting out 1250 2 1/2 inch squares as part of a square exchange. Not sure what I was thinking but it's going to make an AMAZING charm quilt eventually :) Can't wait to see your quilt! Shana