Salif is seven years old and lives in Burkina Faso. In this letter, he told me that he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. The sponsorship program gives him the opportunity to succeed in school and fulfill his dreams. If not for his financial sponsor and the help of Compassion, he might not otherwise have the opportunity to someday attend college.
This is the drawing he sent me, a little boy who loves his sports!

I'm still trying to find a sponsor for this adorable boy, a seven year old in Guatamala named Angel. Will you consider sponsoring him?
I just viewed the sponsor a child website. It's very humbling and sad. Though I'm suffering with a debilitating chronic stomach illness, I want to help . . . I'll need to pray about it.
For many years we sponsored children in the Philippines. The last one, I felt we were sponsoring the whole family and it became more than we could afford. Maybe they thought we were very rich. It was sad to finally say enough but the girl had graduated from High School and that had been the goal.
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