Last week I cleaned up the wet bar next to the fireplace. We don't use the sink there but we do use all of the counter space. Previously, the counter was covered with various books and quilting supplies. It wasn't organized in the slightest. I moved all of the books downstairs into our spare bedroom (future study) and put all of my quilting supplies with the other fabric in our closet. I moved all of the DVDs and the Wii games to the newly emptied shelf instead of letting them stack up on the floor underneath the tv. We don't have an entertainment center yet so the Blu-ray player, Wii, and internet box are sitting on the floor. The games and movies used to sit next to them but now they are nicely lined up on the counter. It looks a lot better!
Here are my goals for this week, loosely held, of course...
- De-clutter the top of the fridge
- Hang the Welcome sign on the stairs just inside the front door
- Put up a nail in our pantry to hang my apron on (maybe then I would be able to find it when I want to use it!)
- Reorganize our bedroom clothes closet as the shelves have gotten very messy
- Catch up on my e-mail
- Take care of The Pile

The Pile
These goals are in addition to my normal cleaning schedule and should keep me busy! I look forward to making our house ever more homey.
Happy Spring Cleaning! I need to work on some things too. My laundry/mud room especially!!!
Spring cleaning is definitely a chore but it is satisfying to create a neat and tidy home. Well done.
I'm glad to hear you're a piler, too.
Second post on planning I've read today. I'm starting to feel impressed to make a list. I might accomplish more if I do. (Should I test to see if this is true!?)
Hmm... We have a pile like that on top of our scanner/printer. I regularly tidy away my and PLBs things that get stacked there but despite that I frequently hear tutts as someone else moves it around and complains that it is never tidy here. Once in a while I will dump somebody else's stuff into a box that they claim they will sort out, I am not going to make decisions for someone else about what newspaper, telephone number with no name next to it, still not got around to reading church magazine, etc is important to keep. Me on the other hand I regularly need to retrieve rogue cook books from various parts of the house, so I have my own pile at the moment next to my bed because I am reading them "all"!
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