Friday, May 22, 2015

I need to hear from you!

Because I am soon going to be a mom (I love saying that!), I've been nesting. As part of my nesting, I desperately want to overhaul my blog design. I have considered switching to WordPress as I know WordPress allows a lot more customization. However, I'm a complete newbie at blog design so I wonder if WordPress would be too complicated for me.

So if you follow my blog, could you leave me a comment and let me know how you follow me? Do you use an RSS reader? Google Friend Connect? Something else entirely?

Please let me know! :)

My goal is to have a new blog design before we leave for Taiwan as I know my life is about to change dramatically. I cannot wait!!


Julie Fukuda said...

I think I am following by google friend ... at least it became that since I began following you. My daughter has her blog on word press. The difference is, it comes to my in-box rather than to my blog list. When I comment there it needs my blog address and my e-mail address and my user name. It might solve no-reply issues. I don't know how much difference there is otherwise.

moominmamma said...

I follow you in Feedly, an aggregating blog/news reader. I used to blog with Blogger but I switched to WordPress about 3-4 years ago and am much happier with the look and feel. I also manage a WordPress-based website, and had to learn a lot to use it in that fashion, lots of plugins and the like. But the basics, just blogging and blog design, I didn't find the learning curve too steep.

Jason and Michelle said...

I use the friend connect. I don't know much about Wordpress.
I'm so excited for you guys!

Carrie said...

I follow you via Bloglovin and I don't think it matters which you use.

I DO know that Wordpress (while offering more customization) is more easily hacked and bug-ridden than blogger.

Still, I've used (and do use) Wordpress and the format threw me for awhile but it is visually self-explanatory. I haven't struggled TOO much and it's nice to be able to use both programs.

Yoli said...

I follow through Google.

barbara woods said...

follow by gfc

Anonymous said...

Follow just by clicking into your blog.

Anonymous said...

Wordpress pulls you into my feed for me :D :D And if I can manage Wordpress so can you :)

bekahcubed said...

I follow you on Feedly.

I've been using's software for my blog for maybe six years (?) since I decided I wanted a service instead of html coding everything from scratch. I enjoy html, php, and dabbling in coding - so I enjoy that Wordpress lets me have as much (or as little) control as I want. I've set up Wordpress blogs for several of my siblings who are much less tech-savvy, and they've not had problems with the user interface.

ruthsplace said...

I follow you via feedly. I've been using wordpress as a blogging platform since 2006. I also used blogger as part of a group blog I participated in for a while. To be honest I found wordpress more intuitive and an easier interface. I'd recommend making the switch.