Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's on My Nighstand

What's On Your Nightstand

I read a lot of books this month. After a month of nothing but nonfiction and then another month of only reading the Bible, I had so much fun raiding my local libraries. I knew I couldn't complete everything I picked out, but I was impressed by how much I did finish! All links are to my full reviews on Goodreads.

Bible - This month I continued reading the Bible first thing in the morning and last thing before I go to sleep. It's such a blessing!
  • Psalms 14-150
  • Proverbs
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Song of Solomon
  • Isaiah
  • Jeremiah 1-14

Children's literature

Christian Fiction

Christian Nonfiction
  • Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics by Alisa Harris - 4 stars. A great read, one that I have kept for a reread.

  • Wrong About Japan: A Father's Journey with His Son by Peter Carey - 3 stars. Some funny moments but overall I didn't really learn anything new about Japanese culture.

Secular Fiction
  • A Walk Across the Sun by Corban Addison - 4 stars. A fantastic book, deals with a very tragic topic - human trafficking. This book will probably be one of my top reads for 2012.
  • Sonoma Rose by Jennifer Chiaverini - 3 stars. Much better than her last novel!

The only specific book I intend to read next is Pilgrim's Progress, March's choice for the Reading to Know bookclub.

Instead of a nightstand this month, I have a spare bedroom floor. I sorted through all of the books that we had packed in boxes and started making piles. Some books are definitely going with us. Some will be donated to the library. The biggest pile of all is books I have not yet read and need to decide if we will pay to ship them to Seattle. My upcoming book selections will be coming from that pile.

My "nightstand"

Happy March reading!


morninglight mama said...

Love the piles of books! It's pretty incredible that a book has impressed you so strongly that you know it will be one of the best reads of the entire year. :)

-Dawn, 5M4B

Jennifer said...

I love the stacks of books!

I'm pretty sure I've read most of that particular series of Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I should definitely re-read them sometime and relive childhood! :)

Monica said...

I finally made it by! It seems lots of folks are reading The Little House series. I read them all last year. I love Amish fiction. I have Pilgrims Progress but haven't read it. I saw the movie at church though and really enjoyed it. Wow! What a stack of books! Happy Reading in March! What a blessing it is to begin and end your day with The Word!

bekahcubed said...

I'm bummed that you weren't that huge a fan of The Mysterious Benedict Society. It was a definite favorite of mine (and one I would like to re-read at some point.)

Raised Right sounds like a challenging and thought-provoking read. I'll have to see if I can find myself a copy.