Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A quick adoption update

I have so many thoughts these days but can't seem to get them put onto paper (or computer screen). So I'll just post about our latest adoption update. As of yesterday, the adoption agreement paperwork still has not left Taiwan. We need that paperwork before our dossier can start the authentication process.

While we're waiting for the latest paperwork, I scanned our entire dossier and emailed it to my agency. Our dossier specialist is going over all of our paperwork to make sure it is correct. That way, as soon as the adoption agreement paperwork arrives, we can take the entire dossier to the bank to have it notarized. I'm praying that this last batch of paperwork comes quickly!

We also requested an update on Z. We haven't heard anything about her since July last year and really want to know if she's ok. Our Taiwan coordinator is supposed to be getting that done for us. Hopefully we'll soon have some new information!

That's the extent of our adoption progress this week. Maybe next week we'll have more news?

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