Completed in June and July (links are to my reviews)
The Naked Sun, Isaac Asimov - 3 stars
The Robots of Dawn, Isaac Asimov - 3 stars
The Help, Kathryn Stockett - 4 stars
Mornings with Mailer: A Recollection of Friendship, Dwayne Raymond - 3 stars
The Boxcar Children, Gertrude Chandler Warner - 3 stars
Have a New Kid by Friday, Dr. Kevin Leman - 4 stars
The Faraway Horses, Buck Brannaman - 3 stars
Ramona the Pest, Beverly Cleary - 2 stars
Wow. Looking at this list, I am surprised. I thought I had completed more books than this. I think it's because I have a few books waiting to be reviewed and way too many in progress. Lately, I've been having a hard time finishing books, instead skipping around from book to book.
In Progress
City of Ember, Jeanne DuPrau - YA science fiction
Cleopatra, a Life, Stacy Schiff - Biography
50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days, Dean Karnazes - Health & Wellness
The Amber Room: The Fate of the World's Greatest Lost Treasure, Adrian Levy & Catherine Scott-Clark - History, Russia & WWII
Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement, Kathryn Joyce - Nonfiction, Religious Studies

I don't think I'll get through all of these books before they are due back at the library. The last couple times I visited the library, I succumbed to "hey, this looks good!" a few too many times. Ha! I've been in a reading mood lately but haven't had enough time to read so the books just keep piling up. And now that it's a Nightstand day, I'll be adding more books to my reading list!
Happy reading, everyone!
I read The Help when it first came out and was wowed by it, but I'm a little leery of the movie version... wondering if they'll really capture these characters.
-Dawn, 5M4B
50 marathons in 50 days?? I wouldn't think that was possible.
I was wondering about the new kid book. I am so glad you posted about it.
Oh my goodness! Your stack of books is pretty intimidating! I loved the Box Car Children books when I was a kid! There are a lot more of them now than when I was a kid!
Your book pile makes me laugh as I can soooooo relate! Looks like you finished a lot to me! 50/50 looks interesting. I have a brother who runs.
I always enjoy seeing your lists!!!
Have a great day!
Amy @ Missional Mama
Ooh. I remember the Boxcar Children.
Here is mine
We used to listen to The Boxcar Children books on tape when we would travel. Good memories.
I frequently succumb to the library temptation of “hey, this looks good!” so I know exactly what you mean. :-)
50/50 looks quite interesting, if a bit crazy.
I hate when my library pile gets too big for my reading time. It looks like you had a great month of reading.
Thanks for the reviews. I've been thinking about The Help and might give it a try.
Love it! That is a hilarious pic!
Nice pile! I keep thinking that I want to read the Quiverfull one sometime--but it's not at my library and I'm remarkably lazy about actually buying books. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
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