Monday, December 21, 2009


When will I learn not to multi-task? Today's attempted multi-tasking resulted in a messed up pie crust, a load of towels sitting in the dryer wet, and two seams of sewing that now need to be ripped out.

But I did get a lot done today - dishes, vacuuming, three loads of laundry, a pumpkin pie baked, Bible study, exercise, and some time spent with hubby.

We're headed to the laundromat tonight to wash a couple blankets as we have guests arriving tomorrow and Wednesday. We're not using the heater in our apartment and they will probably appreciate having clean blankets to use at night.


Not the Waltons said...

lol :o) I am not laughing AT you, I am laughing WITH you! I have so been there and done that!

Thank you for the prayers! SO Appreciated :o)


Cassandra said...

Now that it's a day later, I'm laughing at myself as well. ;)