Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quick post

I'm about to go work on my quilt but I wanted to quickly write a post. This week, I have found that turning off the computer does wonders to productivity. I've been limiting my online time during the day and my homemaking is showing a marked improvement. Sometime this weekend or early next week, I'll elaborate on my "experiment." But today I just wanted to offer encouragement to anyone who feels they don't have enough time in their lives: try unplugging for awhile and see what happens. You'll be glad you did!


Katia said...

I agree with you a 100%. Going part-time blogging was the best choice I have made this year.
Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

Becky said...

I agree with you and Katia! Unplugging is a wonderful thing! I try to limit most of my online activities to after the kids are in bed and my Bible reading is done. I unplug my laptop and do what I need to. When my battery is dead, I must go to bed.

Ruth MacC said...

Well said!