Tuesday, August 27, 2013


What's On Your Nightstand

My bedtime reading is Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters. I'm only on page 48 but I'm really enjoying it.

Parenting the Hurt Child by Gregory C. Keck is my current parenting book. So far it's one of my favorite parenting books - down to earth, practical advice, and doesn't scare me away from adopting an older child.

I'm also reading The 40 Most Influential Christians: Who Shaped What We Believe Today (by Daryl Aaron) to review and post about on my blog. I've only just started it but can't wait to learn more about some of the people who have influenced the study of theology.

Happy reading!


Beth said...

I absolutely loved Wives and Daughters. I also recommend the BBC version available on DVD.

Anonymous said...

I started following your blog about a month ago. We adopted two children from foster care in California when they were 4 and 6. They are now 19 and 20, almost 21. We faced many challenges but we now have two successful young adults who are making good choices and finding their own place in the world. They love the Lord and that is the best news any mom can have. An older adoption and a sibling adoption is a challenge but in our case it was a spiritually growing experience for our entire family.

bekahcubed said...

I look forward to seeing your review of The 40 Most Influential Christians. I always tell myself that I need to dig deeper into church history and biographies, but rarely do it (although I am this month with Here I Stand, a biography of Martin Luther.)

Kara said...

That's a good lineup! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on The 40 Most Influential Christians.

Annette Whipple said...

These each sound worthy! :)

Susan said...

How wonderful that you're considering adopting an older child. What a way to live out faith! I bet the Gaskell book would be good. I have so many memories of "Mrs. Gaskell" from readings I've done about Charlotte Bronte.

Lisa notes... said...

All three of these look like worthwhile reads!

And I hope your blog redesign is fun. I have a love/hate relationship with such. ha. When things go right, it's so much fun. But when they don't, I can get super frustrated. :)