Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Happy 13th birthday!

Happy 13th birthday, Cin-Ru!! I hope she had a wonderful birthday today with her friends. 13 years old. Wow! I can't believe she's officially a teenager.

The above photo is when Cin-Ru modeled her new shirt. This was part of her birthday care package and I believe it was a hit.

I'm so glad that we were able to celebrate early with Cin-Ru, even though we couldn't be there in person. Next year we'll celebrate as a family. I can't wait!


Jason and Michelle said...

I love her smile! Her birthday is right before our youngest son, they are the same age,lol. I'm glad next year you will be together as a family.

Julie Fukuda said...

Darling picture. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Beautiful smile on a beautiful girl. So happy you got to see her open her presents.

Carrie said...


Happy (Belated) Birthday!!! Yes!! NEXT YEAR AS A FAMILY!!!!