Saturday, June 7, 2014

June quilting goal

I have not touched my quilting in several months. Earlier this year I was on a roll when I pieced an entire quilt top in several days. But then I got sick and have not touched it since.

Melissa at Sew BitterSweet Designs is hosting a challenge to finish something in the month of June. I want to return to the quilt that I am making for my nephew. The top is almost complete and I plan to have the quilt completed and shipped to my nephew by June 30.

Happy quilting!


Jason and Michelle said...

I love the colors. I like to quilt. Someday, when life isn't so chaotic, I will do it again.

Julie Fukuda said...

Good for you! Enjoy the journey.

make.share.give said...

You Can Do It! It's so pretty.
Harriet the Spy was my FAVORITE book as a little girl. I read it over and over. The review at Reading to Know is not as favorable :)