Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Jeff and I met with some friends of ours from church, an older couple who could pray with us and offer some advice. After several hours of conversation and much prayer, we decided to stay in Phoenix until the end of next week.

Hubby has several applications out for local jobs and the church might have a position opening up on Monday. We promised to stay for another week to see if the church position would come through and also to apply for a few more local jobs. If we recieve a job offer by next Friday, we'll stay in Phoenix. If not, we're packing up and heading to Portland.

In the meantime, I had a training call for my contract job last night and an assignment this morning. The assignment is now complete and I'm waiting for my next one. I'm also trying to sell some more stuff around the apartment that we don't need, to bring in money to pay bills and/or move. We sold the Wii this morning. A 9 year old is going to be very happy on his birthday!

1 comment:

DanniellaAnn said...

Yay!!! I hope things work out that you go to Portland... although it's an aweful time of year to move there. Well maybe not. I guess that side of the US is a lot warmer and probably not snowy. So Yippee!!! I hope that it works. Hope the Unemployment has gone through.