Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekly Memory Verse

What happened to last week? It went by so quickly I barely noticed. And now it's Monday again. I screwed up last week. I waited so long to post my verse online and then forgot to study it. So I'm starting over with this text and I'm going to learn it again this week.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:3-4, NKJV

I study Japanese for hours every week and memorize Kanji, vocabulary, etc. so I really have no excuse for not memorizing Scripture. It just needs to be more of a priority. I'm telling everyone that I made a mistake last week in hopes that it will encourage me to do better this week. I don't want to post this same message again next Monday!


Katia said...

I'm glad you didn't give up. I see no problems in repeating a verse. I didn't do too well with mine last week...I got the main parts of the verse and the reference down. So, I am keeping that one out with my verse for this week.

One thing that is helping us this wee, is to have the verses around the house. I have one by my kitchen sink, one in my Bible, one in the bathroom and one in our stationary bike. Last week I only had in my Bible and in the bathroom. We are also trying to remember to say the verse before we eat our meals.

Wow, that's pretty impressive about your studies. One of my friends lived for three years in Japan, she said Japanese is extremely difficult to learn.
Have a wonderful week, my dear friend.

Red Stethoscope said...

I love that you're trying to memorize Scripture. I wish I was more diligent about this. Frequently in church, the pastor will start reading a text and I can finish it out loud without trying, but that's only because I'll read and read and read the same passages over and over. It would be nice to be able to recall a particular verse on command.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure you can learn to memorize scripture quite easily if you can remember all those "crazy symbols" from your Japanese learning. :)

-Lady Rose