Sunday, May 3, 2009

Update and SMART Sunday

My temp job seems to be over. I say "seems" because we finished the labeling project but I'm still waiting to hear if the company wants us to return for the original project. My partner and I worked 5 days, 26 hours total.

It was tiring! I'm just not used to the commute, the hours away from home, and the stress of working under someone else. I am very very thankful to God that He blessed me with the hours. It was just surprising that I'm so out of practice with working schedules. 6 months really does make a difference.

I'm excited to get back to blogging. Last week, I didn't really have the energy after work to form coherent thoughts. I love writing and this is one way I can express myself, regardless if anyone reads!

I am also making a change to my Sunday blogging. I was posting a summary of my exercise over the past week and then a weigh in report. I found myself wanting to write more about some of the workouts and my challenges. However, I didn't want to post every day on this blog as that wasn't my original intent in starting the blog. I also didn't want to post an entire book every Sunday.

My solution? I started a separate blog for my exercise/weigh-ins/and future raw food challenge. Adventist Runner will be my new training log and anything health related that doesn't fit in nicely with homemaking.

Instead, I plan on posting SMART Sundays. The Lazy Organizer originally created the SMART Saturday, but as that is the day I celebrate the Sabbath, I'll be posting on Sundays. I know I posted about The Lazy Organizer's blog before, but she really is a genius about organizing and homemaking. I love reading her posts.

My goals for this week:
-Make the bed every day. I really like how our bedroom looks when the bed is made up in the mornings.
-Go to bed each night with a shiny sink. This is really a Flylady concept. The idea is to have a clean sink at night, which means the dishes will be washed and put away, the counters will be wiped down, and the sink will be clean. The kitchen looks so much better when the sink is shiny.
-Spend 15 minutes in personal Bible study each morning. Hubby and I study together every night but I'm missing personal study. It's not enough that we study together. I also need to be fed spiritually as an individual. 15 minutes isn't that long, but I think it's a good place to start.

I'll post again next Sunday with an update of my goals and possibly some new goals for the following week.

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