Sunday, July 29, 2012

The tired homemaker

I am a tired homemaker. A very tired homemaker. Our air mattress has deteriorated to the point of needing to be inflated every 3-4 hours. A week of constantly interrupted sleep has worn me out.

We are trying to remember why we are doing this - to save and pay CASH for a new mattress. No financing. No debt. No interest. We can do it. It'll only be several more weeks.

In the meantime, I thought this verse was appropriate for my memorization this week:

I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety

Psalm 4:8.

Ah, blessed, blessed sleep.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you are tired. I know all too well how that feels. I pray that the Lord will give you strength and help you endure this "pain" a little longer before you get your new mattress.

Hang in there friend! (((Hugs)))

Cassandra said...

Thank you, Mara. *hugs* We're hanging in there!

Johanna said...

Maybe you should splurge on a new air mattress to get you through :)I have an idea what that's like from camping.

Carrie said...

You have the most awesome attitude and goals!

As you wait though, I will pray sleep for you.

Keep going!