Monday, February 15, 2010

Bible in 90 Days - Day 44

Today marks the halfway point of the Bible plan. The program is called Bible in 90 Days but the schedule is actually 88 days of reading with two "off" days. I am now on Day 44, thus I have read half the Bible (when measured in pages).

The reading covered Psalms 109 through 134. I actually noted quite a few praise song based on the Psalms but I only marked two that have spoken to me personally.

This first psalm is used in Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Moment Made For Worshiping." It's a beautiful song and reminds us that every moment is a moment made for worshiping.

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same
the LORD's name is to be praised

Psalm 113:3.

This second song is one that I remember hearing many times as a child. The year we sung it as the theme song for Vacation Bible School was particular poignant.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path

Psalm 119:105.

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