Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's On My Nighstand - March

5 Minutes for Books
I haven't been reading much lately. Once I started having more energy after being sick (for over three weeks!), my reading dropped dramatically. The cleaning and most of the cooking fell by the wayside while I was sick and now I feel a desperate need to catch up.

With that said... I'm going to keep my reading list short this month. If I get to each book, great. If not, that's okay. The library will carry them again next month. I tell myself that but I also feel compelled to finish every book on my shelf...

Emma, by Jane Austen - I'm half way through this book, reading it for the first time. Pride and Prejudice is better, though I am enjoying Emma.

Beguiled, by Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand - I received a review copy of this book and really need to get it read and post a review on my blog. I think I've read almost every book that Gist has published thus far and am looking forward to reading this one.

The Rewards of Simplicity, by Chuck Pierce - Another review copy that I really need to read soon.

My Life in France, by Julia Child - I believe this was on my list last month but I've only just started it. I need to finish this one shortly as it's due back at the library in a little over a week.

And that's it for my list. My priorities right now are spring cleaning our entire apartment, trying out new vegan recipes, and learning Japanese. Finishing the Bible in 90 Days project is in a category of its own and will be finished next Tuesday. Maybe my reading list will be more intensive in April.


morninglight mama said...

You know, I've never read any Austen, but I'm planning read P&P for the 5 Minutes for Books Classics Bookclub this year. (Apparently this is a terrible wrong that I will soon correct!) :)

Ruth MacC said...

Finished reading your Bible on Tuesday... well done for sticking with it!

Cassandra said...

Morninglight Mama - Pride and Prejudice is wonderful! I am sure that you will enjoy it.

Ruth - Thanks!! I can't believe I only have a week of reading left...